Lost Boys and Fairies, the new BBC drama by debut writer Daf James has captures audiences up and down the country this last week. The story of two gay men adopting a young child has resonated with audiences, regardless of their background.
What drove Daf James to write this deeply personal story? And how did he approach telling a tale closely linked to his own experience without infringing on the facts of his life?
BBC: Lost Boys & Fairies cast and creatives on bold new series
"Though I draw from lived experience, I always adapt story. The themes and emotions resonate with my life but it’s not my autobiography; and roles like Andy, Emrys and Jake aren’t depictions of my family”
"I think humour is very disarming, and you can take your audiences with you on a journey into emotional depths if you can make them laugh too."
BBC NEWS: Lost Boys and Fairies writer's pride over 'queer' adoption drama
"If I think of my life as a song with notes, structure and a rhythm, I've taken all those notes so the song sounds similar, but I swap them all around so that it is essentially still a work of fiction to protect myself and to protect my family and everyone around me as well."
BBC WRITER'S: Daf James on his writing journey with the BBC
"I found my theatre voice, and then of course I had to find my voice in telly as well. And that's a whole different craft."
"Lost Boys & Fairies began as part of BBC’s TV Drama Writers’ Programme, now known as Pilot, in 2019. The initiative paired James with Leeds-based production company Duck Soup Films; the series marks James’s first original screenplay for the BBC and Duck Soup’s first commission."