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Story 01 - Save The Nest

A medieval war forces a family of jaybirds to find a new home, taking all their belongings with them, including their sacred nestling.

Cover for the graphic novel Save The Nest

It’s an important day for the Jay family. It’s the day the children are tasked to find their ‘nestling’, an item that, when joined with the ‘nestling’ of another bird forms the foundation of a strong nest. Meant to be a day of hope and joy, Mr Jay is anxious. The normally passive humans in the nearby village have started to fell border trees and build high walls with the timber. To keep the family safe, Mr Jay insists they go deeper into the forest to find their nestling.

Unencumbered by their father’s dread, the children flit about the trees trying to find the best nestling. They’re stopped in their tracks, however, when they spot strangers at the forests furthest edge. Human strangers with dogs, horses, and swords.

Despite his nerves, Mr Jay won’t leave the nest. The nestling he and Mrs Jay found are the foundation of their nest and meant to be where they spend their lives together. Under familial pressure, he concedes the family should move, but they’re taking the nestling: a large, flat leaf and a collection of birch seeds.

The family begin their quest to find a new home. At first, they stay near the human paths through the forest, but after finding themselves caught in a battle between scouts of the opposing armies, Mr Jay insists on keeping to the treeline.

While trying to sleep one night, the Jay’s are hunted by a family of tawny owls. Despite an easy escape route being presented, Mr Jay nearly costs the family dearly when insisting on returning for the nestling.

After a perilous night, the family seem to find something of a sanctuary at the forests edge. Other jay’s and nesting birds have also found the place, and a brief respite is enjoyed by all. The oldest of the children appears to find a mate, and Mr Jay finally feels ready to rehome his nestling.

Unsure that their new home is truly safe, the oldest Jay child and their mate scout into the forest to ensure the humans are nowhere near. Instead, they find a commune similar to their own, but full of starving predators. The human war is destroying the forest, forcing the predators closer and closer to the Jay hub.

Returning to the hub, the duo tries to warn Mr Jay and the other elders, but Mr Jay can’t travel any further, the nestling wouldn’t survive a flight over open field. The Jay’s turn on each other, with the youngers willing to do away with tradition in order to survive, while the elders decry them for their lack of faith in the culture.

Their argument is for naught, however, when the first signs of predators come on the ground. This is shortly followed by a smell, distant fire. There’s nothing else for it, it’s either fight, flee, or burn. The younger Jay’s try to get their partners and families together for the long flight over open field, while Mr Jay instead battles through predators and encroaching fire to save the nestling.

Managing to reunite, the family make a break for it out over the open field. Mr Jay has the nestling but is clearly suffering after inhaling smoke. Predators snap at them from the ground, but there’s no going back. The forest is completely aflame.

Exhaustion sets in, the snapping growing closer and closer. There’s a cluster of trees ahead, safety, but it’s unlikely they’ll all make it. Especially Mr Jay. His eldest child falls back, trying to keep him going, but he’s made up his mind. He has his nestling, the birch seeds. His sacrifice will bring life, new and big and beautiful.

True to his word, Mr Jay gives up on flying. He flaps around, making a spectacle of staying in the air, distracting most of the predators. Gripping his seeds, Mr Jay closes his eyes, and takes the plunge.

The Jay’s make it to the field’s edge and the cluster of trees. From the high branches they watch as the cluster of predators are dispersed by human war. By sunrise, the field is a mass of bodies, but nowhere near the Jay’s new home.

They’re safe.

Years later, after the bodies have been cleared and the field returned to open grass, a sapling sprouts.


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