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Tale A Day: Drag Queen Story-time

An accomplished author returns to their primary school to read their new children’s book. Controversy comes when parents realise the author is a Drag Queen. Deeming it inappropriate, the parents proceed to protest and cause distress for them and their children.

I am attempting to write a brief, original story outline every day following a basic 5 Act Structure. At the end of each week, I will pick my favourite story of the past seven days, edit it and upload it.

Act 01 – Set Up and Call to Action

Drag Queen is invited to school to read his new book about a young girl that wants to play rugby. The invite comes from the Drag Queen’s favourite teacher, now headmistress, during his time at the school.

Act 02 – Things Go Well. Initial Objective Achieved

The Drag Queen arrives at school out of drag, confusing some of the parents as the books author clearly has a woman’s name. The morning goes on, and the Drag Queen is given a changing room to get ready. As he does, he is visited by teachers. Some come to congratulate, others to question, and some to pass judgement.

In drag and ready, the Drag Queen is welcomed to the main hall for the reading. The children love the bright and funny Drag Queen, whose research into the school pays off with some targeted but friendly jokes.

Act 03 – Things Start to Go Wrong as Forces of Antagonism Gather Strength

As the Drag Queen gets into the story, a parent storms in. The disturbance disturbs their child as the parent hauls them out of the hall. Headmistress calms the students and Drag Queen continues with the story.

Another group of parents arrive. As teachers try to diffuse the tension one of the fathers throws a shoe at the Drag Queen, knocking her wig off. Defiance leaves the Drag Queen then, and Storytime is cut short. Headmistress sends the students back to their classes and the parents are ejected from the premises.

Act 04 – Things Go Really Badly Wrong

The Drag Queen finds he is trapped in the changing room as angry parents gather to protest outside. The Headmistress tries to remind the parents that they were all informed in a letter, but it seems the parents either didn’t read or didn’t understand the letters contents.

As Drag Queen sheepishly comes to suggest he will leave, one of the parents begins hurling abuse at him, starting a chant of ‘pervert’.

Furious at the outburst, Headmistress orders Drag Queen back into the school and calls the police on the intimidating parents.

As the parents grow aggressive, banging on windows and doors, Drag Queen heads towards the worried whimpers of a class of younger children. He takes his book. Seeing the fear in the children’s faces, Drag Queen is lost. One of the children asks him to finish the story. Drag Queen gathers the children on the carpet and reads. As he reads, he removes bits of makeup and costume.

The children begin to relax, and then they interrupt. They have questions. Calmly, the Drag Queen answers their questions about finding love, dressing up, and expressing themselves healthily. Soon the Drag Queen doesn’t need to answer the questions as the children answer them among themselves. They already know everything they need to.

The Drag Queen reaches for his wig.

Act 05 – Crisis and Climax

Leaving through a clear door, the Drag Queen confronts the parents. He takes the children from his class with him. Parents begin calling their children over. Some go, scared of the repercussions, but most stay. As the other parents come to the commotion, the other classes empty to ogle the goings on.

One of the parents approaches the Drag Queen, accusing him of kidnapping their children. The Drag Queen holds up a mirror to the parent. What child would feel safe looking at a face like that? What child can learn compassion from a scowl like that? What child turns to a parent that becomes this angry over something as trivial as dressing up?


One of the children has the Drag Queens book in her hand. She opens it and reads the last pages of the book. The characters mother sits the character down and explains that she’s not really angry that the character wants to play rugby. She’s angry because she’s scared that she’s turning into the worst of her own mother.

The Drag Queen takes the book and hands it to the parent still stood in front of the mirror. The parents’ child moves through the crowd and hugs the parent.

The police arrive to the scene of children comforting their parents. A young man in makeup passes them.

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